
The Custodian

One day a young man found a job as a school’s custodian. He was lazy but creative.

One night, instead of cleaning the desks he drew on one. After finishing his drawing, he headed home.

The next day a student sat in his desk and found the custodian’s handiwork. The student chuckled, stopping when he saw his teacher standing over him. She glared at the unfortunate student.

The student realized the penalty for defacing school property was death. The student plead his innocence.

The teacher took the student to the office and explained what he had done. By noon the entire student body was waiting by the scaffold.

The student, in one final plea, asserted his innocence. His execution was swift.

That night the custodian drew on a different desk. The next day the drawing was discovered, and another student executed.

Over the next few months, the pattern repeated until staff members were also being executed. It continued until the only person remaining was the custodian.

He was fired shortly after since there was nothing for him to do. The custodian went back to school to further his education.

Another lazy, but creative custodian was hired at his new school. The former custodian was among the first to be executed.

Be leery of school.